Bronco Air Conditioning Kit
Early Ford Bronco Air Conditioning Kit Parts Packing List
Evaporator Kit:
- Evaporator Assembly
- Left & Right Arm Assembly
- Drain Tubes
- Hardware Package
Basic Hose Kit:
- Condenser
- Condenser Mounting Straps
- Refrigerant Hoses & Fittings
Evaporator Installation Instructions
Place the evaporator assembly below the center of the instrument panel. Check for proper fit and clearance.
Locate the holes for the refrigerant lines on firewall as close to evaporator fitting as possible. See the diagram of the hose layout.
Remove the evaporator assembly and drill 1 3/8″ diameter holes for rubber grommets.
Caution: Be sure the firewall is free of any obstructions before drilling. Install the grommets to prevent chafing of the refrigerant lines.
Connect the expansion valve to the evaporator, using proper o-rings on all fittings. Use the longer 5/16″ liquid hose with the 90˚ and the straight fitting, connecting the 90˚ fitting to the evaporator fitting. Securely fasten the hoses to the evaporator fittings, again using proper o-rings on all fittings. Wrap the exposed metal of the fitting with prestite tape to prevent condensation. Be sure to tighten the expansion valve.
Reposition the evaporator assembly in the vehicle. Route the refrigerant hoses through the firewall. Align the unit to the dash and secure with screws through the front lip. Be sure that the unit is sloped downward for proper drainage of condensed water.
Attach the refrigerant hoses to the condenser. The 13/32″ discharge hose (the larger of the two) goes on the top fitting of the condenser using the straight fitting of the hose assembly. The smaller 5/16″ liquid hose with two 90˚ fittings goes on the bottom fitting of the condenser.
Attach the brackets as shown in the drawing. Place the condenser into position and route the refrigerant hose through the rectangular hole through the cowling near the battery. If this opening is not on the vehicle locate where to drill the hole for the refrigerant lines. Remove the battery. Locate and drill 2″ hole for refrigerant lines. Be sure to install a hole liner around the cut hole.
Secure the condenser assembly. Route the hoses through the opening in the cowling and route behind the battery area into the engine compartment.
Discharge hose from the condenser connect to the discharge fitting on the compressor.
Connect the hose from the condenser to the inlet of the dryer. Connect the straight fitting on the other side from the evaporator. Mount the dryer on the fender well (as shown below).
Evacuate system for 1 hour then charge system with 24oz off R134A refrigerant.
Condenser Installation Instructions
Drain and remove radiator from vehicle.
Cut off 1/2″ from radiator support bracket. Clearance for proper condenser fit between radiator support brackets would be 10 3/4.”
Trim flanges on hood safety latch guard for proper clearance for condenser.
Secure condenser brackets to condenser using (8) 10-32 nuts & bolts. Use brackets as a guide to determine location of holes to be drilled for mounting condenser. Mount condenser using (4) 1/4″ x 5/8″ nuts & bolts with flat washers. Condenser should be positioned so it does not rub on radiator.
When condenser is secured, close hood to make sure safety latch does not hit condenser.
Route the long black wire through the firewall to be connected to the high pressure switch on the dryer and onto the compressor clutch. Ground the short black wire with the eyelet to a good metal ground (Motor Ground). Connect the fused wire to an ignition terminal fuse in the box.
Punch or drill holes through the floorboard for the drain tubes and install.
Attach the left & right arm assemblies. Arms can be cut shorter if needed. Secure to the unit and the dash with Phillip screws.
That’s it – Your Early Ford Bronco Air Conditioning Kit is Installed!

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